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Yog Nidra
is a deep relaxation technique for each and every muscle of the body and mind. When we sleep, our physical body is at rest but the mind is still active. That is why even after 6 to 8 hours of sleep we some times don't feel fresh but lethargic and even have head-ach.

Yog Nidra is more restful than sleep and is most harmless and direct antidote to psychosomatic maladies resulting from stress and anxiety. It is ' relaxation with self awareness.' It is progressive relaxation in which each and every muscle is conditioned and made to feel relax. We focus on each part of the body one by one . We tighten the muscle of each part of the body one by one and then loosen them one by one. The result is relaxation of the muscles and relaxation of metabolic activities. In Yog Nidra each and every muscle of the body is made to feel tense and then relaxed. About 20 minutes of Yog Nidra are equal to 2 hours of sleep.

1. Lie down in a relaxed posture with eyes closed. ( Shav Asana )
2. Take three deep breaths and relax all the muscles of the body.
3. Focus your attention on the right leg and tighten it as much as you can, then loosen it as much as you can. Repeat it three times. The muscles and never on the right leg will feel relaxed. 
4. Then focus on the left leg and tighten it, then loosen it as mush as you can Repeat it three times.
5. Focus on the right hand and tighten it, then loosen it as much as you can Repeat it three times.
6. Focus on the left hand and tighten it, then loosen it as much as you can Repeat it three times.
7. Focus on the right arm and tighten it, then loosen it as much as you can Repeat it three times.
8. Focus on the left arm and tighten it, then loosen it as much as you can Repeat it three times.
9. Focus on the shoulders and tighten them, then loosen them as much as you can Repeat it three times.
10. Focus on the back-bone tighten it, then loosen it as much as you can Repeat it three times.
11. Focus on the facial-muscles including the throat, cheeks , chin, lips, nose, eyes, eye brows , forehead and tighten them, then loosen them as much as you can Repeat it three times.
12. Now tighten the whole body as much as you can loosen it. Repeat it three times.
13. Relax in Shav Asana for 5 minutes 
1. Releases a pain giving lactic acid from the muscles and tissues back into the blood stream there by reducing pain in the whole body or effected areas. Lactic acid is produced by the muscles during vigorous or excessive physical work and is one of the main factors that contribute to cramps.
2. Helps in sleep and makes whole body feel relaxed.
3. The whole body feels physically, mentally & emotionally relaxed.
4. Helps over come obesity, stress, hypertension and reduces the risk of heart attack.
Mantra Therapy
Yog Nidra
About Yogi Pankaj
Our Mission
Our Mission is to promote integral growth at all levels of human personality : Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social and Spiritual. Pranayama is a process of breathing exercises that can remove the symptoms of many shronic diseases and can cure asthma, sinus, migrain, obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, blood pressure and many more.
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